Skies of Remembrance

Today is SkyWatch Friday.

My photographs were taken at a local park this morning.  They don’t depict Jewish life, per se, but were taken with International Holocaust Remembrance Day in mind.  I wanted to capture some clear skies, never posted before, to honor those who were Holocaust victims (including all those who were murdered and all those who survived).  I wanted to capture the barren trees within the lake environment and skies above to depict life in its varied forms and realms.

International Holocaust Remembrance Day is tomorrow, January 27, 2012.

Crisp and Clear at the Lake

Land, Lake Skies

Visit SkyWatch Friday for more photographs from around the world.

To Life



Filed under Holocaust/Genocide, Judaism, Photography

15 responses to “Skies of Remembrance

  1. Beautiful. Thank you for reminding me.

  2. Superb captures and a beautiful remembrance for tomorrow. Thank you for sharing it and reminding us all.


  3. great post for skywatch… magnificent sight! Have a great weekend ahead!!! Hoping you can visit @ my little corner.

  4. Beautiful choice for your tribute.
    including all those who were murdered and all those who survived
    How true that those who survived were victims too and so were their children and their children’s children. I suppose that, although it is for different reasons, the whole of mankind was a victim of the Holocaust. Can things ever be the same after such a tragedy?

  5. Great post and tribute.


  6. Water and skies– a beautiful combination. Thanks for sharing on skywatch.

  7. Al

    Beautiful skies, lake, photos, and a timely reminder.

  8. A beautiful day and spot for remembrance. Thanks for stopping by at my skies!

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