Skies, Books, Tidbits, Shabbat 3/9/12

The photographs above were taken at an orange tree orchard. The contrast of the white architecture within the orchard and the sky background attracted me. One was taken on Monday, and one was taken on Wednesday.

Visit Skywatch Friday to see more skies from around the world.

Book News:
The Spinoza Problem, by Irvin D. Yalom, is a book I am definitely going to buy. It sounds like a fantastic and intriguing historical novel and read.

The Memory Palace, by Mira Bartok
is a book that looks to be compelling regarding the mother-daughter relationship.

Interesting Tidbits:

Who Nu, that famed author Leon Uris had his own book store in Sherman Oaks, CA. Read the full blurb to find out about an upcoming exhibit.

The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles welcomes Shimon Peres, President of the State of Israel, to Los Angeles.

If you are in the New York City area on March 14, 2012, you might want to attend the 61st National Jewish Book Awards Ceremony, being held at the Center for Jewish History.


Visit the blog Here in HP, to see a lovely photograph of decorated oatmeal containers that her children created for Purim gifts. I love the concept, and just might incorporate it into a gift my grandies can give my daughter for Mother’s Day, or use the idea for Hanukkah or Passover gifts.

Visit Ilana-Davita’s blog on Monday to see the JPIX carnival edition.

Women of the Wall

Window on the Wall

Shabbat Shalom!

All photography, writing, poetry, etc. is my copyright and may not be reproduced without my express written permission.

March 9, 2012 – 15 Adar I, 5772


Filed under Photography

30 responses to “Skies, Books, Tidbits, Shabbat 3/9/12

  1. The clouds were really playing up in the skies! The looks like a tree full of oranges! Great harvest!

  2. Very nice photos.

    Regards and best wishes

  3. Lovely sky and clouds!

  4. Great skywatch shots, the first one showing the oranges and the pretty sky is my favorite. Happy skywatching!

  5. I really like the first photo. Thanks for the shout out.

  6. What a lovely shot of the orange trees against that gorgeous blue sky!

  7. Beautiful shots of the sky and orange orchard.

  8. mmmmm i can almost smell the oranges! my grandparents had orange trees and as a kid i loved to pick an orange to eat on a hot day while i was out playing!

  9. Lovely skies, both, and I like very much how you framed the second photo.

  10. Leora’s post about the oatmeal containers was fun..I like the trees and sky, but I see what you mean about the second photo…I am going to check out your reading list..My you are organized…Michelle

  11. Beautiful skies and lovely orange trees… have a nice weekend, and thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a nice comment!

  12. I love this place and I want some oranges now. Have a great weekend!

  13. Beautiful wishing you a sweet Shabbas with those delicious oranges.

  14. Thank you, Laura. Good Shabbas.

  15. I miss all the orange groves we used to have here in S CA. The white structure looks like a small observatory! Nice photos!

  16. Nice looking oranges…they’re like tree ornaments! Thanks for stopping by at my skies. Enjoy the week.

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