Canyons, Natural and Other Forms

“…wild flowers should be enjoyed unplucked where they grow.”
-Theodore Roosevelt

“Should you shield the canyons from the windstorms you would never see the true beauty of their carvings.”
-Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

“The wind whips through the canyons of the American Southwest, and there is no one to hear it but us – a reminder of the 40,000 generations of thinking men and women who preceded us, about whom we know almost nothing, upon whom our civilization is based.”
-Dr. Carl Sagan

Visit Nature Notes Wednesday for more nature photography.

“Try opening up the internal canyons within you, the canyons of your mind, your soul, and your physical being, in order to see and appreciate the inner beauty of others, and appreciate the external beauty and awe of nature.” – Jewaicious/L.M.

I found an excellent article that I want to share: Ecology and Spirituality in Jewish Tradition, by David Sears

August 21, 2012 – 3 Elul, 5772

Copyright 2007, L.M. No permission is given to reproduce, copy or use my writings or photographs in any manner.


Filed under Photography

12 responses to “Canyons, Natural and Other Forms

  1. Wonderful shots and quotes. I enjoyed this post.

  2. I really like the quotes you’ve shared, especially Teddy Roosevelt’s. I also like your beautiful photos.

  3. great quotes
    I love wildflowers

  4. Oh my..I love the quotes and it isn’t a surprise that someone with a library like yours would have amazing quotes.. You tie nature and the human spirit together so well….Thank you for linking up to Nature Notes Lorri…Michelle

  5. Thank you so much, Michelle.

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