Sunday Scenes – November 18, 2012

The lake always brings me comfort. There is something about the natural scene, filled with varied life forms, from fish to birds, people to plants and trees that fill my senses. I can never get enough of it, and try to get there at least three times a week. It is a great place for walking or jogging, and inhaling nature’s beauty. It is an excellent place to reflect and meditate. I am often in awe of the serene setting, nestled within freeways and the hustle and bustle of daily life.

Visit Shadow Shot Sunday for more shadowy photographs from around the planet.

November 18, 2012 – 4 Kislev, 5773

All writings, photographs, etc., are my own copyright (unless stated otherwise), and may not be used without my permission.


Filed under Photography, Uncategorized

14 responses to “Sunday Scenes – November 18, 2012

  1. magicalmysticalteacher

    There is definitely something soothing and peaceful about still water…

    Golden Lace Shadows

  2. What a beautiful sunshiny day!

    Shadows in the kitchen
    Have a blessed Sunday.

  3. Well, I’m glad you had/are having a peaceful Sunday! I’ve been reading too many disturbing blog posts.

    • Leora, I, too, have read too many disturbing posts. If it wasn’t the weather and nature’s forms of wrath, it was issues between Israel and Gaza, and all of the other war-related events throughout the world. It overwhelmed me, and I had to step away from it for a short while.

      I am one to keep up with current events, don’t get me wrong, but all the negative blog posts had me avoiding the internet. I needed to reflect for a while, needed to pray, and needed a sense of calm, if only for a short time.

  4. Wonderful shots of the place with nice shadows.

  5. ah yes there is somehing about walking by water that is calming but there’s always a coming storm somewhere

  6. Lovely shots. The first one is my favourite!

  7. It looks like a tranquil setting. I can understand why you try to get there as often as possible.

    Dramatic shadows in the first photo!

    Thanks for visiting me. Have a fun week seeking shadows!

  8. Thanks for the visit, Patti. Enjoy the rest of the week.

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